On this page you can access speeches and press releases produced between 2002 and 2021. 

Found 2083 Pressroom elements


Credible carbon offsets vital to net zero

With a massive 1.8 gigatons of CO2 to mitigate in 2050 alone, carbon offsets have an important role to play in aviation’s net zero goal.

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Sharing environmental knowledge among airlines

IATA has launched FlyAware, an online environment knowledge center.

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  • All Regions

ICAO alignment needed for net-zero vision

Sustainability will be a key theme as finance experts gather at the World Financial Symposium in Doha, Qatar.

  • Analysis
  • Economics
  • All Regions

Ben Minicucci, CEO, Alaska Air Group: Taking control of our business

Ben Minicucci, CEO, Alaska Air Group, says in-house training will provide an important pipeline of pilot talent. Interview by Perry Flint.

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • All Regions

Preserving networks for a stronger recovery

The Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WSG) are in the spotlight. The slot waivers granted to airlines during the crisis were essential to maintaining flexibility to meet demand

  • Analysis
  • Air Traffic Management
  • Slots
  • All Regions

Asymmetric regulation hampers single-use plastic replacement

The inappropriate disposal of single-use plastics (SUP) and its impact on the marine environment is a key challenge for our times.

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  • Economics
  • All Regions

African airlines deserve more than lip service

Kamil Alawadhi, IATA’s Regional Vice President, Africa & Middle East, says governments must walk the walk and support African aviation.

  • Analysis
  • Regulations & Law
  • Africa & Middle East

Augustus Tang, CEO, Cathay Pacific: Climate change is bigger than the pandemic

Augustus Tang, CEO, Cathay Pacific, says the industry must invest in environmental initiatives despite short-term challenges.

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • Asia Pacific

Mitigating the danger of lithium batteries

The carriage of lithium batteries on air transport continues to present a significant safety risk.

  • Analysis
  • Cargo
  • All Regions

Making the most of diversity

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat, Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee of Turkish Airlines, says diversity will support the continued growth of the carrier. Interview by Graham Newton

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • Europe

How to build a runway for role models

Kanchana Gamage, Founder and Director, The Aviatrix Project, received the High Flyer Award at the 2022 IATA Diversity & Inclusion Awards.

  • Analysis
  • IATA News
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Incentives needed to boost SAF production

IATA called for governments to urgently put in place large-scale incentives to rapidly expand the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) as aviation pursues its commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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  • Economics
  • All Regions

Travel recovery hints at profitability in 2023

IATA announced an upgrade to its outlook for the airline industry’s 2022 financial performance as the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis quickens.

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  • All Regions

Building a profitable and sustainable business

Jayne Hrdlicka, CEO of Virgin Australia, believes it is vital to keep the world accessible through great value fares. Interview by Graham Newton

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • Asia Pacific

Safeguarding the future

Delta Air Lines CEO, Ed Bastian, says sustainable operations can be combined with good business decisions and a strong response to demand. Interview by Perry Flint.

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  • All Regions

Aviation's long haul to replace jet fuel

If aviation is to achieve its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, investment in sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) is essential.

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  • All Regions

We are not out of the woods yet

Qatar Airways Group CEO, His Excellency Akbar Al Baker, says the future is still uncertain, and resilience and agility are vital. Interview by Graham Newton.

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • Africa & Middle East

Qatar has a busy year ahead

Qatar has a busy year ahead. In November, teams and supporters from 32 countries will gather for the month-long soccer FIFA World Cup—an event that could not exist without aviation.

  • Analysis
  • Other
  • Asia Pacific

Diverse talent creates business success

Shinichi Inoue, President and CEO, All Nippon Airways (ANA) talks to Tony Concil about his passion for diversity and inclusion.

  • CEO Interviews
  • Other
  • Asia Pacific

Revamped safety strategy emphasizes leadership

Aviation’s safety record is exemplary. The latest figures show that in 2021 airlines on the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) registry—which includes all IATA members—experienced zero fatal accidents.

  • Analysis
  • Safety
  • All Regions