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7 November 2023

New Schedule Data Exchange Program

IATA has launched its Schedule Data Exchange Program with the aim of providing an industry-owned and controlled schedule and Minimum Connection Time (MCT) database. This initiative will provide airlines with more control, flexibility, and continuity over their schedule, capacity, and MCT data. In addition, numerous IATA products and services will draw data from this new program, which is however not intended to replace existing or create a new schedule distribution service.

A workshop providing further information was held on the sidelines of the World Passenger and World Financial Symposiums in Chicago on 24 October at which four airlines – avianca, Copa Airlines, LATAM Airlines and Xiamen Airlines - signed letters of intent to participate.

In an interview with Airlines magazine, IATA’s Chief Data and Information Officer Kim Macaulay commented: “Airlines have been giving it away and then paying to get it back. IATA is developing its data function and programs so that airlines have greater control over their data and access to it at all times. Rather than data existing in verticals, we will create a horizontal structure. With that ability will come some key insights that help to develop products and services across the board and generate significant value for our members.”

The program is based on the give-to-get model, meaning that airlines need to contribute their schedule, capacity, and MCT data in order to access the schedule database. The program is offered at no cost and is open to both IATA-member and non-member airlines.

> More information about the Schedule Data Exchange Program

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