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Flight Data eXchange (FDX) is an aggregated de-identified database of flight data part of the Global Aviation Data Management (GADM) program. It is contributed to by airlines which participate in the program.

FDX provides participating airlines with a comparative overview to highlight areas of flight safety concern, with benchmarking available at a global, regional and airport level. They can benchmark their performance against the aggregate of other operators with similar/same aircraft types and among their own, or other regions.

FDX is an essential asset in mitigating airlines safety risks on the basis of solid data.

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How FDX works

The raw flight data is collected from participants and processed against a pre-defined event set.These results are consolidated into a single de-identified database.

FDX data can be filtered by date range (quarter, year, monthly), phases of flight, FIR boundaries, region and airport, while allowing the comparison of data based on aircraft categories and airports.

> See which airlines are participating in FDX

FDX in short

  • Global aggregate de-identified program using recorded flight data to identify safety trends
  • Data presented in key safety performance indicators
  • Benchmarking features to compare performance and issues against global and regional safety trends
  • User-friendly web-based platform
  • Ad hoc partnerships with airlines to provide in-depth analyses when required

Also included: access to the Accident Data Exchange (ADX)

By joining FDX, you will automatically be part of ADX, an integrated commercial aviation accident information database. Each accident is classified by event cause, according to an industry agreed classification. ADX is also a repository of official accident investigation reports.

Is your airline ready to leverage safety data beyond your own datasets?

Access to FDX and to the datasets is free. 

For more information, please consult the FDX Frequently asked questions (pdf), or contact